any device that generates heat or heats up after extended use is a potential fire hazard. Whether that be a stove, a dryer, heaters, even a computer or a laptop, all have potential for a fire hazard.
Candles are a leading cause of house fires because they are often lit and left unattended, against warnings on the labels. Leaving a candle unattended could lead to it burning out of control or a pet potentially knocking it over. It is very important to read and follow warnings provided on products.
Christmas lights are a potential fire hazard. Most often so when live trees are not watered properly and dry out, they become an easy target for fire when in close contact with heat from the lights.
Another common cause of house fires is electricity. Improper electrical work, electric heaters, extension cords, and anything else that generates electricity can pose cause for possible fire hazards. A common cause of a house fire that is electrically drive in space heaters. People do not use them in the proper way that the manufacturer intended, leading to fire hazards.
Although a hazard in more way than one, smoking is a common cause for house fires because people do not properly dispose of the waste and can also fall asleep while smoking and set fire to what ever piece of furniture they are sitting on. This is a very easy way to lead to fatal situations.
Although a hazard in more way than one, smoking is a common cause for house fires because people do not properly dispose of the waste and can also fall asleep while smoking and set fire to what ever piece of furniture they are sitting on. This is a very easy way to lead to fatal situations.
When children are left unattended they sometimes unknowingly play with matches or lighters which is one of the leading causes of house fires. It is important to talk to your children about fire safety, no matter the age.

Top Fire Causes
This first step in being able to help make the lives of you, your family, and your community safer is by being able to identify top causes of fires and ways to help prevent them.